69th Tarmstedter Exhibition
104.000 visitors in four days
Modern country life in all its diversity
104,000 visitors flowed to the site on four exhibition days – willingness to invest among farmers is increasing
Once again, the Tarmstedter exhibition was the face of rural life and proved itself in its 69th edition as a strong crowd puller. The mix of modern agriculture and agricultural technology, top-class animal shows and an attractive entertainment program for the whole family attracted a total of 104,000 visitors on four exhibition days on the 18-hectare site.
“The significantly improved market situation in agriculture as well as the good economic situation in trade and industry was reflected in a very positive mood on the stands,” summed up Managing Director Dirk Gieschen, who was happy with his colleagues over intensive discussions, satisfied exhibitors and visitors. “In order to further improve the presentation possibilities of the 750 exhibitors, we invested once again in the infrastructure and optimized the thematic classification of the stands.” All well-known manufacturers presented their products, trends in municipal and forestry technology and innovations in the field of renewable energies were presented as well everything about the house, garden and leisure.
The commercial director Ewald Aßmann was delighted with the above-average number of visitors. On Sunday, the most public day of the four-day fair, 37,500 visitors passed through the entrance gates. On Friday there were 16,000 visitors and on Saturday came 28,500. The Monday was, despite rainy weather, with 22,000 visitors an excellent finish of the event.
Managing Director Frank Holle was pleased with the successful premiere of the new “Genusshalle”: “The combination of regional delicacies, live music and seating has delighted visitors and exhibitors.” Next year, the concept will be expanded and the range of culinary specialties will be enlarged.
For the smoothly flow of the exhibition Holle expressly thanked the many helpers, without whose energetic support the largest regional exhibition in the north would be unthinkable. “The many employees of the Tarmstedter exhibition, the police, volunteer fire department, the German Red Cross and the TuS Tarmstedt deserve a very big thank you”, praised the managing director all involved.
Jörg Weiß, Head of Exhibition Management and Security, added that the safety structure has been continuously worked on for years, together with the authorities. “This year we have taken additional measures that matched certainly also the subjective sense of security of the visitors”, said Weiß.
The area manager Frank Löwentat, responsible for the events on the Tierschaugelände, also drew a positive conclusion. Every day, visitors were offered a high-quality animal breeding and impressive animal show program. “The animal show grounds were redesigned and refined last year and we offered visitors even better round-trip opportunities. It was very well accepted by the audience.”
July 2018
The 70th Tarmstedt Exhibition will take place from Friday, 6th July to Monday, 9th July 2018.
GMC News
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